Saturday, March 22, 2014

Easy Safe Money Making Online (13: Karatbars International )

This Thirteenth post is a continuation for "Easy Safe Money Making Online" series posts if you came here directly as a search result or a link you might wanna see the first post Here
Hello guys
It's been a while since I wrote something new
Well most of the things now are the same ... Just repeated ideas and some lame ones
Now Don't get me wrong..there are some genuine ideas that are STILL active so far

Adclick Express (Formally Profit Clicking) With the Traffic Exchange Idea
Uinvest Nice old Fashioned investment way (buy shares from the projects listed and get monthly or daily revenues or re-sell the shares when they are up)
Bitcoin (Will talk about it in a separated Blog )
SFI (Strong Financial Income) A community For Affiliation Marketing and selling Online with HUGE features

So now I found Yet Another Awesome idea to invest your money.. and I believe it is the best way to invest for the future

It's from a German Based Company Called Karatbars International which the only work in Gold
Gold Is The Future !!
but  before I get into details a little history lesson So You all be in the prospective and fully grasp the opportunity that they offer :)
After the World War II was ended..half the world was in ruin (most of europe , some parts of the Soviet Union, and most of south east Asia )
So a rebuilding process is needed, not just in it's infrastructure but also in it's economic.. They needed needed a new economic system to support the rebuilding and sustain the countries connected to it.
So in a economic summit, they decided that the most effective way is they relay on one currency in all there international trades..and this currency will be the support with Gold and will become the back-bone of the entire rebuilding process.
So they chosed the US Dollar to be that one currency since the USA had much more stronger and stable economy plus the fact it started entering a golden Age.and tie the Gold to it by 35$
So the now all the world was buying US Dollars and then they use those dollars to buy Gold for their own economy , so in term this method guaranteed that their economy is indirectly supported with gold also .. and everyone is happy.
Well that was the case til the year 1971, when President Nixon decided that this economy system well only drag the use economy to a plumb, so he gave the green light for his "economical Experts" find and execute the best solution to secure the future of US economy.
And so the experts said relying on gold is ancient method and may not sustain the future globalization expansions, So they decided to convert the Gold Money (money supported by gold) into paper currency which we are using now; this conversion only paved the way for so many economical disasters and some are still brewing in the horizon cause now US Dollar has ZERO real value (other than it's painted value),
at the near end of the 90s some people actually started to realize what's going on and started trading their paper money into something solid that can bring them some profit in later times, these trades where mostly in Oil, Silver, and Gold

Hope you all staying with me :D
OK now let's focus on my last sentence (at the near end of the 90s some people actually started to realize what's going on and started trading their paper money into something solid that can bring them some profit in later times, these trades where mostly in Oil, Silver, and Gold)

Now they have the right concept these are the most wanted resources right now
but not for everyone, buying and selling in stock market is SOOOOO risky and the risks are even higher if you are inexperienced , plus for those who have the idea of saving they can't ship those items they sold to their home, so this is the solution but we need a more practical one

that's where our company comes to play
Now Karatbars deals in Gold
but not any gold, cause now in stock market the one troy ounce of gold is $1,323.60 and for you to do the right investment you need to buy alot of ounces and you may now be able ship them to your country or bank

So what does Karatbars offer?
they came with a new classification of Gold called Currency Gold

what is Currency Gold? it's a 999.9 bullion of pure gold in grams :)
see this Picture: that shiny thing in the middle is pure 1 gram of gold

now this card has multi-purpose function
- as obvious it slidify you liquefied money currency into a more profitable Gold that effected through out the years you buy this Card by less than 50€ and you can re-sell it later with higher value OR store it for the Unknown future in couple of years those gold grams will worth so much you can secure your future from now ; because basically Karatbars account is initially a "Gold-Saving Account"
you can buy and store your gold or you buy and order them shipped to you 

- Also Karatbars International created a K-Exchanger Program that shops and facilities through out the globe can accept those cards and payment methods, meaning you bought this card by 50€ but the 1 gram worth even more (let's say 150€) so now you have a card that holds 150€ to shop with :)

Plus Karatbars International have an affiliate program that WILL blow your mind sky high !!

You see; there are SEVEN ways to make money with Karatbars International
Five of them are actually FREE and available for any register user without spending a cent :)
The other two they are optional and require a one time purchase of a package they are selling (but ofcource the real money making are in those optional features )

will try to explain each one as much as I can :)

The Free ways in the affiliation program are :
Direct Commissions
Unilevel Bonus
Generational Bonus
Karatbars Pool
Karatbars Gold Fund

and the Optional Ways are:
Package Bonus and Dual Team Bonus

Now basically in the Free methods that are available to you that you get a Direct Commissions depend on you Ranking in the Company
You get 0.5% - 6.0% form your TOTAL sales AND your Organization Total sales as well through all the month and commissions will be paid 1st on every month
This graph shows you the Ranks , the needed points to achieve it and the percentage you are qualified for
With the Unilevel Bonus you start as a Distributor and receive points for each sale, from your own sales or from your whole organization’s sales. For every 2 Euro in sales you get 1 point, for 100 Euros in sales you get 50 points.

You qualify for a rank in the Unilevel plan on the achieved points in a certain period. The total points that you and your organization produce determines your rank.
Example: You achieve the rank of Bronze Supervisor (1% in direct commission) by earning 500 points. That is 1000 Euros in total group sales.
For this rank there is no time limit. For the rank of Silver Supervisor you need 1.250 points in a one-month cycle. This can be achieved by personal sales volume or by organizational volume. All points of your entire organization count.
From the rank of Gold Supervisor to Gold Manager, the ranks must be achieved 3 times within 12 months to retain this for life. Each time the affiliate achieves the respective ranks, the qualifying rank income counts for that cycle.
From Bronze Director rank, points and sales are achieved monthly to get the commission. Once reached you retain the title, however, the rank of Gold Manager is guaranteed, even if this has not been confirmed 3 times.
In addition to the direct commissions, you receive the differential commissions from the sales of your affiliates, if your rank is higher than any of your direct affiliate referrals.

To qualify for the directors positions you need at least 2 or 3 direct lines (direct affiliates) and a certain number of sales per month.
Example: As a Bronze Director you need at least 2 lines where one line generates 4000 points (8000 Euros turnover) and the other line or rather the rest of your organization 2000 points (4000 Euros turnover).
To qualify for the Gold Director Elite you need at least 3 lines, where one line generates at least 9000 points, another line at least 4000 points, and the third or rather the rest at least 3000 points in a month, and at least 200 additional sales and a qualified Gold Director in your organization.

If you have a Gold Director Elite in one line in your organization you receive a 5.75% level for that line. That means a differential commission of 0.25% on all sales from the organization of this Gold Director Elite.
If a second one from the same line achieves it, you get the level 5.90%. That means 0.15% of their total sales and if a third one achieves it from the same line, you get the level of 6.0% and thus 0.1% of their total sales.

to many confusing details right :D
but in it's core you only need to refer as many inspired people as you can :)

Now for the Optional side (this is where the Fun is :D )

You see the Idea of the packages are rather simple yet VERY powerful ones combined with the Direct Commissions

Now there are 4 Standard Packages and 1 limited edition package these days
the Standard are: Bronze Package, Silver Package, Gold Package and VIP Package
and the limited one is Exclusive VIP Package

the Packages Contains the following:
1) Bronze : (at a Price of 99€)
• 1 x €100 Bonus Card
• 1 x 3% Discount Card
• Brochures
- The importance of gold
- Karatbars International
- The K-Exchange Program
- The Branding Cards Program
• Image DVD 

This package will automatically enter you into the Dual System and increase your status in the Uni-level System to the Bronze Supervisor status.
Within the Dual System you will earn:
• 5% Direct Commission
• 10€ Per Cycle 

2) Silver: (at a price of 234.83 €)
1 Gram of Gold
3 Bonus Cards 100€
3 Bonus Cards 3%
- The importance of gold
- Karatbars International
- The K-Exchange Program
- The Branding Cards Program
Within the Dual System you will earn:
• 10% Direct Commission
• 40€ Per Cycle 

3) Gold: (at a price of 581.66 €)
2 Gram of Gold
7 Bonus Cards 100€
5 Bonus Cards 3%
- The importance of gold
- Karatbars International
- The K-Exchange Program
- The Branding Cards Program
Within the Dual System you will earn:
• 15% Direct Commission
• 60€ Per Cycle 

4) VIP: (at a price of 1,561.49 € )
3 Gram of Gold
20 Bonus Cards 100€
10 Bonus Cards 3%
- The importance of gold
- Karatbars International
- The K-Exchange Program
- The Branding Cards Program
Within the Dual System you will earn:
• 20% Direct Commission
• 80€ Per Cycle 

The Exclusive VIP Package (at a price of 7,464.15 € ) is designed for the Entrepreneur who is looking to go beyond just working for themselves, and instead really create his own secure and consistent extra source of revenue. With this package, not only can you create an independent and reliable source of income, through earning direct commission and taking part in the Dual System, but you will also be able to encourage others to do the same.
The VIP Exclusive Package includes the following:
• 5 grams gold
• 20 x 100€ bonus cards
• 40 x 100€ digital bonus codes
• 10 x 3% bonus cards
• 15 x 3% digital bonus codes
• 300 x €5 bonus codes which can be used for the following products:
- Specialty Gold Cards
- Packaging
- Merchandising Products
- Goldcard Bundles
- Bonus Cards 3%
- Bonus Cards 100 Euro
- all Packages
- all Package Upgrades

“All digital bonus codes will be available on an additional USB memory stick.”
(Will generate 300 units and has the same Dual System status as the VIP: €80 per cycle and 20% direct commission)
As you can see, the Value content of the package clearly exceeds the cost of the purchase price.
Increase your revenue by winning new customers through utilizing the unique bonus codes and discount system.

In addition, when you purchase the Exclusive VIP package we will now offer an additional current incentive with a "Profit Pool share" in our newly created Karatbars International World pool, where you will be able to participate in Karatbars International's total global turnover. This also now creates the opportunity for an additional residual income in the future. World Pool Share Incentive will be only for a limited basis.

Pool Shares are determined as follows...

There will only be 10,000 World Pool shares … 
Each gram of gold sold companywide will result in .20 € (cents) added to the World Pool
Pool Position will earn also Unilevel commission each month on all gold purchases
Pool Position will earn Dual System units based on total sales from North American lines and European lines. Each cycle payout will be placed into the overall pool to be shared with World Pool share earners.

In Jan of each year, total commissions will be calculated and divided by the 10,000 available pool shares. For every share you have, you will receive the World Pool Bonus which will pay out in the first quarter each year.

Now as you may noticed the there is a new commission percentage and a "cycle"
here is the Deal :)
you see the Commission here is for packages you Sold Directly unlike the unilevel you get paid for a percentage from the overall selling made by your organization
Keep in mind that you won't loss the Free plans :)
You see the unilevel plans are paid monthly ; but the Dual Team bonus is paid Weekly 

now a little details and comparison at the same time :
- in the unilevel system your organization is lines directly under you in one line so you just concerned with sales made but in the Dual team system you entire organization will be split in to left team and right team
- in the unilevel you get paid depend on your sales that are measured in points but in the Dual team you uses Units
the following will show you every product and how much units it worth (add to mind that Bronze Package worth 5 Units)

Now Cycles work by how work your during the week; you see when one team makes 25 units sales and the other one 50 units that means you made one cycle (regardless whether you made the sells on your organization)

let's take an example :)

Suppose you made 2 direct sales, one a Gold Package and the other a VIP package. You also got 2 new affiliates, one on the left side and one on the right side. 
Your affiliate on the left side sells a Silver and a VIP package, that would also mean 2 new affiliates on your left side. 
And your affiliate on the right side completes two Gold and one VIP Package (3 affiliates), this would generate the following: 

Left side: Own sale = 50 units (Gold Package) + Team Sales 120 Units (1Silver and 1 VIP Package) = Total 170 units on the left side. 

Right side: Own sale = 100 units (1 VIP Package) + Team Sales = 200 units (2 Gold and 1 VIP Package) = Total 300 units on the right side.

 Because 50 units on the strong side and 25 units on the weaker side created 1 payout cycle, the calculation in this case is as follows: 
Right side = strong side = 300 Units: 50 = 6 payout cycles 
Left side = weaker side = 170 Units: 25 = 6 payout cycles +remaining 20 units which will be carried over to the next payout cycle. 
In this example 6 Cycles are achieved and this means 40 Euros, 60 Euros and 80 Euros per cycle or 240 Euros, 360 Euros, 480 Euros Dual Team Bonus according to the Package Status. 
Plus an additional Package Bonus for the direct completed packages. In this case 1 Gold and 1 VIP Package, which together generates a total commission of 10% (in this case 219 Euros), 15% and 20% (438 Euro) depending on the Package Status.

Now of you wanna see the FULL power of this system I ask you to watch this video ALL the way to the end (keep in mind mentioned prices in the video are old :p )
it's rather boring at beginning but the end will blow your mind :D

Now those are the highlights of the systems
there are MORE and MORE

Just jump in and be a member
and registration is FREE
and you still get paid commission even if you wanted to keep the package stage for later :)

So what are you waiting for
Join us as Affiliate and FULFILL your Dream

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