This second post is a continuation for "Easy Safe Money Making Online" series posts if you came here directly as a search result or a link you might wanna see the first post Here
this is a small look at a website for a investment company in Panama Called Nistla Inc.and is registered all the way back on 2003
this company is all about trading in the stock and Forex market and they committed to return the value they expressed in their plan once you choose to invest in.
in their investment plans they offer some common features:
- 1.Investment Term is 3-12 calendar days. Upon investment term expiration, principal and profit can be withdrawn or re-deposited.
- 2.Compounding Option is Available. If so desired, Investors may choose to compound their earnings automatically. Compounding rate can be changed by the user at any time.
- 3.You can deposit funds to your account as many times as you wish and use any payment system available.
- 4.Insurance/Reserve Fund Allocations. In order to generate constant positive flow of funds for investors, as well as for company employees and management, a portion of obtained profits is being daily allocated to the Insurance/Reserve fund.
- 5.Automatic Investment Portfolio Upgrades.
they have 5 investment plans depending on the (screenshot form the site to the plans):
as you can see it is quite a good deal and since the it is not high level profits means the profits are always guaranteed cause as any market is always flipping so over sized promises in not a good option when want to play safe + plus the minimum deposits is very well affordable by anyone
there is what is called referral commission ( means you get a percentage of earnings from anyone you invite to open an account though a special link provided in your account)
this site offer FIVE levels deep (means you get earning even if the one is not your friend but a friend of a friend all the way down the chain)
Pretty cool huh?
if you are interested click on the banner to open an account and start earning money
Nice post.thanks a lot for this knowledgefull post. Carryon boss. Thanks to all. Las Vegas Money Secrets