Hello Everyone
Now if you are reading this topic then you maybe one of those few who realize that the internet is actually a good place to conduct Business
But if you don't know where to start: here is a reminder of my earlier Press Release on how to find your place (What is Best for YOU? ) and (An Online Startup Wiki )
Now if you have No Opportunity in Mind: Allow me to detail some of the Most promising AND profitable Online Opportunities available now:
The First Opportunity I want to talk about is one of the most growing opportunity now on the most trending Field on the internet for the past few years which is Crypto-Currency
Now Crypto-currency is a form of a medium to transfer (and to control the creation) of Units of Data Securely using Cryptography which then became the New Foundation to create new forms of Currency that is Decentralized and have no governmental control on it's creation of movement (So when to say it is the Next big thing and a moment to transfer wealth from Governments to people)
The First ever decentralized currency is Called Bitcoin and although it started slowly but it became a sensation now
this bitcoin was introduced by a developer (or group) by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto and it started as low as 10 cent per coin back in 2009 (where it was latterly created out of thin air cause all the crypto-currency is virtual and has no mint form), in 2014 the 1 Bitcoin or BTC has reached a high exchange rate as $1500 per Coin
Now this HUGH success proved that there is a trend and great acceptance in this field so that opened the Door for alot of range of alternative coin forms and names to create a successor to the Bitcoin
Now why you say someone want to create a successor to something that is actually been trending?
it's a good question; You see these currencies are not monitories nor created by governments nor it is backed by gold or assets (it is latterly in the air with nothing to support it) the more you exchange it and better value it become the low the demand is the more the price will drop
So how it is created? It is created by using generation codes in servers worldwide (they maybe under control by people or companies) those generators are creating blocks of data units to represent the coin (but the more coins out there active the harder it become to find a new block chain to use to represent the coin)
in anther word : you been in the generating process (or mining as it known) from the get go you horde so much so easy, but the more time you spend the harder it get to actually mine or generate a Full coin
and yes there are active Bitcoin mining pools on the internet for (seemingly a low cost) but when you see how long it takes to create a decent amount of coins you will find the profit may not cut it
So here comes a new Company to create a new Form of the crypto-currency Called OneCoin:
So what is One Coin stand for: One Coin One World
To create a stable New form of crypto-currency and make sure the people are the controllers not tycoons or governments
So what is so interesting about this OneCoin??
The company the started this project had one approach to creating OneCoin: Not to open the Mining phase till they have a certain numbers of participants in the actual phase (So the company is Just a house for the Generating code but the Miners are actually the people)
But they had a certain difficulty is to How to reach those people?
The joined Forces with Former Conligus Owner (who actually decided to throw away his success to support the project by merging Conligus under OneCoin)
SO the special about OneCoin is that it STILL in Mining phase (so you can horde as much coins as you want )
sound nice right BUT here is the Catch: Now Bitcoin although it is a success yet it has a drawback: first it was a mean of Fast Cash not investment (so the $1500 high was actually A one time thing ) the Second (which is actually tide to the reason why the $1500 was a one time thing) that now Bitcoin has gone to the same road of the Fiat currency and that is Inflation (more pool rising and generating new coin slowly but it is still getting new coins) and now the Bitcoin worth $200 - $500 depend on the exchange and the community
OneCoin want to avoid that so there is ONE Rule at play here: OneCoin wants to generate (mine) 2.5 Billion OneCoin out of the Source Code
(What will happen after that you say)
The Mining Will STOP!!
No more Onecoin will be generated NO MATTER WHAT!
After that the Onecoin will go to the Public (which is expected to be traded in 50 euro per coin as a start but it maybe more )
So you chance is to get to the mining NOW
How to get to the mining?
You register in OneCoin website (Click Here)
And You purchase a package:
Now the packages Contain Tokens , Those Tokens are like Slot exchange to open more mining slots for yourself (more slots means more coins)
So what will happen when the tokens are done and you want more
You simply go to the internal exchange center and buy more tokens
Ok so far so good but there is more
You get a sponsoring link to send to your contacts and friends so they join you in the mining
You get 10% commissions from and DIRECT signup (commissions depend on Package Purchase)
You get 10% commission from INDIRECT signups (signups from your direct signups)
that 10% is split to 60% to your Cash account (so you can withdraw it if you want) and 40% to your Trading account (so you can buy even more tokens without keep adding funds from your pocket)
You also get educational section :
The One Academy (where you actually learn everything from history of crypto-currency to methods of trades and how to predict future profits and more)
And the Education in Mandatory (you need to pass the level to get access to some of the Site sections)
Why? So you don't keep losing before you create profits..The company wants educational minds to better understand the world of finance AND the trading techniques which can be applied to ANY trading platform :)
So it is a Win-Win situation:
You mine , You educate yourself, and you make money ALL in one place
The best strategy is: you get you package NOW and atleast promote you link till you get your basic investment (now there is nothing stopping you )
And YOU can upgrade you package ANY time and always you get more educational levels AND more tokens to use in the mining